New Registration

#name from #companyName has just registered.

Sincerely, The IFTA Plus Support Team

Password Reset

Hello #firstName,

You have requested a password reset.

Please open the IFTAPlus App and enter the confirmation code #7328 on the confirmation page.

Confirmation #


Sincerely, The IFTA Plus Support Team

This request is valid for 20 days.

Email Verification

Hello #firstName,

You recently changed your email for IFTA Plus.

Please click here to confirm your email address.

Sincerely, The IFTA Plus Support Team

Password Reset

Hello #firstName,

You have requested a password reset.

Please click here to reset your password or enter the confirmation code #confirmationCode on the confirmation page.

Confirmation #


Sincerely, The IFTA Plus Support Team

This request is valid for #daysUntilExpiration.